
Windows Software Ugly, Boring & Uninspired
Posted by Zonk on Sunday July 03, @05:32PM
from the i-didn't-say-it dept.
An anonymous reader writes "CPU magazine has written a very straight-to-the-point editorial on the lack of quality and innovation in software for the mainstream OS. They compare it to the Mac, which is found in a much different light. Where has all the innovation gone?" From the article: "There's too much coal and not enough diamonds within the sphere of downloads. The greatest pieces of software are plagued by unintelligent design, and very few rise to the level of ubiquity. Windows users don't have a strong sense of belonging; there's no user community rallying around the platform. We use the computer, certainly, or is the computer using us?"


アノニマス リーダー 曰く「CPUマガジンにとても的を射た社説が載った。内容はあの主流OS上で動くソフトウェアの品質欠如と革新欠如についてだ。彼らは例の主流OSと複数の異なる良い点が見つかるMacとを比較している。全ての革新はどこへいったのか」
